Thursday, July 23, 2015

NFP for our marriage

NFP stands for natural family planning, we use Creighton Model FertilityCare System. Here is a list of different links to read more about it:

We have been using this NFP for 6 years, since we first got married. My mother and father in law used this system for about if not more than 28 years. So naturally we were interested in this one too! I never really understood my fertility or cycles before learning how NaPro works. I also never had really thought about contracepting in anyway. Once Lucas shared what he knew and how this system worked for his parents, I thought why not? We knew we wanted children and to follow God's plan for our marriage, so we began going to the classes. It was not offered in our marriage prep so we sought after a FertilityCare Practitioner and found one in El Paso at the time. She was great in helping us learn the system and also in our marriage prep. For us this was a big part of preparing for a sacramental marriage for the rest of our lives. It was not hard to learn for us because we were receptive to how it works and communicating about it. This is one way it has truly blessed our marriage and made our bond more united. We both have the knowledge about our fertility and it is very empowering.

We are able to pray and evaluate whether we are achieving or avoiding a pregnancy each month. Yes, we have to abstinen if we are avoiding a pregnancy but only on fertile days. This is always the first question, how can you hold off, not do it, or reject each other, however you want to look at it. It is not that difficult because it is part of our choice in how to use our fertility. There are other ways to show love and intimate affection for your spouse other than intercourse. We are sexual beings by nature but the beauty is knowing that our fertility is from God and He created it to be a life giving ability. One that is not to be misunderstood or abused. Now don't get me wrong that does not mean we only have intercourse to achieve a pregnancy, that would mean only once every two years! That is a bit crazy, even for us. What I mean is that we need to know and trust that God has made our fertility for procreating, but also for our marriage to be complete. It is never a matter of how much we "sacrifice" our sexual intimacy to avoid a pregnancy but how much we trust God to show us that our marital love transcends that "sacrifice" to ultimately glorify His love for us.

Another concern is how regular your cycles are or struggling with infertility, NaPro Technology is meant to help those things. I personally have a "regular" cycle and have not struggled with infertility. We are all different and that makes this system amazing to tailor it to your needs to find a successful way to help you. Just go check out the links above to read testimonies.

We have only good things to say about NFP and it truly works for our marriage. I am only here to share this because we have been richly blessed in our marriage using it and want to give a little of those blessings! :) <3

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Thrift shopping queen

I bear this title with honor, thrift shopping queen! It has not always been a proud title. I mean growing up we didn't often go to thrift stores but didn't always get new things either. Hand me downs were the thing for our family. I was never embarrassed about it or ashamed, so it was always exciting to get bags from our grama's church garage sales! We did get to buy new things for the beginning of the school year.
Now as I have my own children and we are trying to survive on one income (teachers don't make much), I have to be resourceful. I realized how crazy fast kids grow and how expensive clothes is even from Walmart. I discovered shopping at thrift stores to be able to keep up with the demand of three growing kids. You learn how to look and find treasures!
My advice is search for local thrift stores and support them. The next best thing is Savers, find one and check it out. My favorite place to shop! The only thing I do tend to buy new for the kids is underwear, socks, and shoes. I always find nice things, it just takes time and energy. I say time because you have to search high and low. And energy because even if it is missing a button or stained, I get it. I even purchased a huge maxi skirt for myself and resized it, even had enough to make a skirt for Karissa! 
Here is some pictures of how much I can get on a tight budget!
I spent $14 on all this:
for me; a pair of shoes, a dress, and two silk blouses
for hubby; a cardigan and short sleeve button up
for Lukrik; a pair of shorts, two polo shirts, and two short sleeve button ups
for Karissa; two pairs of shorts 
I spent $8 on all this:
for me; a dress
for hubby; a casual t-shirt
for Karissa; four dresses, two pairs of shorts, and four tops
I spent $16 on all this:
for Lukrik; a pair of shorts and short sleeve button up
for Karissa; one dress, two skirts, seven onesies, and a pink curtain

So as you can see thrift shopping works for us and I love it!!! :) <3


Saturday, June 13, 2015

Together for life

We are celebrating 6 years of marriage today!! It has been amazing, crazy, and exciting! I am so blessed to have such an amazing man by my side. With that said, marriage is a lot of work. We are far from perfect and grateful for the grace of our Lord to help us. We have to constantly work at our relationship to remain faithful, encouraging, in open communication, and filled with love.
We have learned lots about each other and continue to improve our relationship. We also learn so much from other couples example. To be honest the best factor in having a thriving marriage is our individual relationship with Christ. We may not even be together still if it were not for Christ. He gives us everything we need to have the best life together. Our Lord gives us purpose and meaning.
When I think back to where our story began, I instantly smile. I smile because it has grown so much in 6 years. Of course we have our downs, but I wouldn't take them back because we have learned from them. It helps us become stronger in our faith and that makes our marriage stronger as well. So thank the Lord for all His love and faithfulness in our lives. We will continue to seek Him for all our needs, especially our marriage. 
Engagement Pictures 2009
Husband and Wife 2009
Honeymoon 2009
1st Year 2010
2nd Year 2011
3rd Year 2012
4th Year 2013
5th Year 2014
6th Year 2015
Here is to many more years together!!!!!<3 :)

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Living a glamorous life as a mom

I love being on instagram and seeing all the pictures of people's everyday life. Of course we only see what people post and it can be edited. I like to see it as sharing the best parts and sometimes not so best parts of life. I am not that photogenic but I take selfies every once in a while. I am no fashion model but do like to get pretty! I love that quote that says, "I wake up like this." I always picture a woman with a shirt with that quote on it, perfect hair, and beautiful makeup. If I wore that shirt this is what I would look like, lol! 
I took this picture at the end of February in the morning after waking up. I showered the night before and didn't blow dry my hair. I wondered why Karissa was looking at me funny, then I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I gasped as I saw my hair and then started laughing!! So I just had to take a picture, lol! 
 It takes time for me to do my hair and makeup. Once I had my first child I still took time to do my makeup and hair. After my second, I cut all my hair off to make life easier. It is important to continue to do things that make you feel good. I don't always look like this, but more like picture above! 
Just remember life as a mom is as glamorous as we make it, even when we look hilarious!!  :)  <3

Monday, April 6, 2015

Lenten/Easter Activities

  I love seeing crafts made by children, probably my inner teacher manifesting itself in my parenting. So of course I searched Pinterest and Catholic Icing for ideas on crafts we could do during lent to help the kids learn about how Christ suffered for us and gave His life for us to live eternally. Also, any activities your church may offer are super as well.
  I didn't do anything too complicated, after all I have a 4 yr., 2 yr., and 1 yr.old. First our parish had a program called "Living the Eucharist," in which we had the Family Activity Booklet. It was done once a week and had awesome suggestions for praying with young children by using simple things. We set up a purple cloth, a white candle, and our bible. The children enjoyed it and it helped teach them more about praying, reading scripture, and how to be reverent in the right times to be open to God. We also did a rice bowl during Lent, you collect money in a cardboard bowl/box and take it back to your parish. It helps feed children/families in need. Another great way to teach about giving is cleaning out closets with clothes and toys you don't need anymore to donate.
  I enjoy crafting with the kids, it is relaxing to just have fun painting or coloring. I used this Lenten calendar from these are our almost completed ones down below. Also in the picture is some eggs they painted for fun!

We did at least one activity a week and discussed a little bit about the meaning behind it. With a 4 year old you can talk more about it and they ask questions. With a 2 yr.old and a 1 yr.old it is less talk, more stories and example. Here one of favorite Easter stories: 

Here is our activities we did starting with a color sheet with the Our Father prayer and a video they received for Christmas about praying. They really like this video because it has singing in it and they love music.

Now Lukrik colored his all on his own and Ezekiel needed help (picked colors). 

This an activity we did altogether to represent our Lenten journey and see it visually. 

The boys helped make their miniature rosaries. 
This craft took more planning, we used recycled paper towel rolls to make our crosses. 

These were just going to be hung, but they rolled after the paint dried, so I had to come up with a new plan. 
Finished product! :)
Growing up this Easter tree was put up, so I was excited that my parents gave it to me to use with my kids now. I found the idea on Pinterest for putting the verses from the daily readings on purple cross papers, I just did strips of paper. 
This is the tree we decorated for Holy week, with bunnies, birds nests, and eggs. 

This is for St. Patrick's Day and watching the CCC video on his life. It is a green shamrock with the trinity on it. 

We collected sticks in the backyard for a a craft I wanted to make of a cross with a white lily.

Of course going to Mass helps children understand their faith more and we love going. I especially love Holy week, but this year the boys caught colds so just Karissa and I went to Palm Sunday Mass. I also love Holy Thursday Mass, but we were so exhausted from a week of sick kids so we chose to stay home and rest some more. Here is the little craft and activities we did for Holy week. 

Coloring eggs is always fun!!

Here are their Easter baskets, at Mass for Easter they have a blessing of the children and their baskets. We didn't know they did that so next year! 

Our cake with a bunny and cross. 

Ready for egg hunting!! 

Hope you liked our activities and feel free to share what you did! 
Happy Resurrection Day from the Hibler's!!! ;) <3 

Friday, February 20, 2015

My parents are amazing

I just had a dream about my youngest sister, I talked about her in this post. In the dream she is at my house while my parents go and get something. Let's skip details and just say she is making a mess. I call my mom to see where she is and finally wake up crying. I had a realization that I have not thanked my parents for being the best parents ever, in a while!!!
I want to say thank you for showing me what unconditional love looks like and how to be courageous. Quiero decir les gracias por ensenar me como amar sin condiciones y ser valiente. I admire both of you for all you have done and continue to do for your family. Los admiro a los dos por todo lo que hacen y han hecho para su familia. You have taught me how parents love, persevere, encourage, comfort, forgive, care for, and believe in their children. Aprendí como los padres aman, persisten, animan, consolando, perdonan, cuidan, y confían en sus hijos. I forgot how much being a sister to a person with special needs has taught me. Se me olvida que he aprendido por ser una hermana de una persona con necesidades especiales. I can never express how proud I am to be your daughter and say my parents are the best in the wolrd!!! ¡Nunca puedo expresar que orgullosa soy de ser su hija y poder decir que son mis padres! 

Lailonni in DD Preschoool, still  loves playing with babies!!

Lucero family, 2013...Lailonni as a daughter!

Lailonni and I, 2014...sweet sister! 

Lailonni and Karissa, 2014...the best Auntie because no one is as pure heart as you!!

Her birthday card to me one year...thoughtful and sweet!! 

My parents whom had us all and are the best in the world!!!! :) <3 


Friday, February 6, 2015

Kids art collection

I have tons of paper with the kids paintings, drawings, practice writing, and doodles. I am tried of seeing it get taken out and stuffed back in my creative wheels started turning and simple solution. Make a colored paper chain!!

Piles of art work...

Colorful paper chain!!! 
Since Karissa's 1st birthday is coming ip we thought it would be perfect for decorating!! :) <3 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Beautiful baby

Heart Beat
"I live happily enough in the world;
Already my heart runs wild.
But now your presence changes my being: my center is lowered, stance wide, a foothold to draw strength from earth. My womb thrums with your pulse, beating twice as fast as mine." 
Anita Punla

This really makes me think of my sister, she is expecting her first little baby. I am so proud of her for choosing life and being brave enough to have a baby even if she is single. With all the temptations to not have babies and eliminate their very existence, I am glad she choose to give life and trust the Lord to take care of them! It is not always easy to be a mommy, but we know she will be great!!! We are here to help her in anyway!!! 
She got to hear her baby's heartbeat this week and even had an ultrasound last!!
  I am so excited to have another nephew or niece! We love you sister and baby!!!!!!! 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Children, the greatest gift

"I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live." Deuteronomy 30:19 

Here is why and how we choose life in our marriage. The Lord gave us life and the love we have produces life. Our calling as husband and wife is to love one another as Christ loves us. Here is a great quote from Christopher West, "Marriage is all or nothing. Sex as an expression of marriage commitment is also all or nothing. Love is not arbitrary. Love is not whatever we want it to be. Love is not merely an intense feeling or the sharing of pleasure. Love is to live according to the image in which we're made. Love is to give ourselves away freely, totally, faithfully, and fruitfully in imitation of Christ."
We have a mutual understanding in our marriage of how we give to one another without selfishness or reserves. It is not always easy but we always seek the Lord to help in our failings. We have never used contraceptives, barrier methods, or sterilization. In my first blog-post I explain how love between man and woman is is life giving. We still use NFP Creighton Model Method. I can't say enough how empowering understanding your fertility is. No matter how your cycles are or what you have time for (time is essential I know, 3 kids remember, lol!) It is not invasive or harmful in anyway, it is also not just charting but the method of observations are highly medically studied. Truth be told contraceptives are just horrible, they do not do your body good. Barrier methods are not good either because you are fearful and holding back from one another. Sterilization is giving up your fertility and not being open to life. We must not let our fears of having children lead us to drastic decisions about our bodies.
Remember the quote I used, "Marriage is all or nothing." We give it all to our spouse and they give back to us. If you don't give it your all then it won't work. Now the quote, "Sex, as an expression of marriage commitment, is also all or nothing." With that expression we also give all of ourselves out of love. It is not natural to hold back this part of your marriage, God wants to bless it and use it to be fruitful. Why would you want to repress your fertility? It is so amazing to be open to life and knowing that you can chose to achieve it is a blessing. NFP gives you this blessing, we have known exactly when we conceived because we were charting. By being able to choose to achieve, you can plan for the time they will be born, more or less. It really is a blessing to communicate together when to achieve or avoid a pregnancy. After all, being open to life is a choice and a calling.
For me being open to life is an important calling in my marriage. Sure being pleased intimately is important, but when you approach it humbly and lovingly, I promise you find glorious pleasure and satisfaction. Why, you ask? Here is the secret without reservations by accepting your fertility and being open to the gift of life when two become one, glorious satisfaction!! A good marriage is not about having sex all the time, it is choosing to love one another respectfully, selflessly, and openly. Christ calls us to union with our husbands in a surrendering way, but not as a slave. He also calls husbands to surrender to their wives. It is a union of two becoming one in Him. Like anything in our lives, it must be surrendered to Christ or it cannot function to its full potential.
Now being open to life does not necessarily mean having a ton of kids. It means you pray to ask what is best for your family, not selfishly. For us right now financially 3 kids is enough. We are still asked constantly if we are having more and we say we may be done. I leave it open because we may want to have more children later or adopt. We like having the free will to choose to have another baby if the Lord wills it. We also have always thought of adopting. The possibilities are endless and we trust the Lord will let us know how our family will grow. Afterall children are the future, they are our future it's a legacy of loving, serving, and giving that God blesses us with. 
I really can't express how richly the Lord is blessing me as a woman, wife, mother, and daughter because of how I choose to serve Him, as faithfully as I can. His love for me is endless and the only way to give back to Him is to surrender every part of my mind, heart, body, and soul. :) <3 
We begin as a miracle and slowly forget that we still are. -- Corrine De Winter

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Motherhood is Arduous

The definition for arduous is involving or requiring strenous effort; difficult and tiring. It is an arduous journey to care for little children. There is a quote by Sharon Jaynes, "Successful mothers are not the ones who have never struggled. They are the ones who never give up, despite the struggles."
Lately, I definitely feel that motherhood is arduous. The boys are so active and learning lots. Karissa is trying to keep up, so she is crawling, cruising furniture, and getting everything the boys leave behind.  Not to mention how much disciplining and correcting they need. Plus, demands for food, toys, and playing. The feeling like you are totally failing at the whole mom gig, often creeps in and makes you feel down. To be honest motherhood has been the most challenging thing in my life this far, not even going to college can top motherhood. I am sure you mother's can agree! Our job is never ending and exhausting. I can also say it is rewarding and such a beautiful experience. 
It has been a time in my life filled with grace and love. If I could go back in time to prepare for this journey to motherhood, I still would not be ready. I made a list to see the positive and blessings on hard days. 
While my kids make me feel crazy that they: 
-run around the house
-act wild 
-make messes
-need attention 
-ask for food
-want to take baths 24/7
-constantly want to be outside 
I feel truly blessed that they:
-are healthy and happy 
-can vocalize well
-can run, walk, and jump
-have energy 
-have a growing curiosity and need to move 
-glad they can feel loved with a simple hug, word of affirmation, or tickle attack
-grateful for clean, running, warm water 
-grateful for having food
-grateful for an awesome yard and play equipment 
Sure it may mean speedy meals, lots of kitchen time, lots of sun time and little quiet time. They are what matters and it us such a joy, blessing, and privilege to be able to stay home and be their mommy, entertainer, chef, comforter, nurse, and everything haha! 
So hang in there momma's it will be bad some days, but remember Jesus is there to listen and carry you through! Here is a prayer I wrote using Galatian's 5:22-25
"Lord, let me put on the fruits of the Spirit: Love, everyone that surrounds me and those far from me. Joy be with me in all my thoughts and actions. Peace of mind and heart. Long suffering in all trials and temptations. Kindness to all I encounter this day. Goodness be filled within me and poured out to others. Faithfulness to You and others. Gentleness may it be my first action to my children. Self-control in my mind, heart, and body. Christ help me to crucify the passions and desires of my flesh. Let me walk in Your Spirit as well as live in it. Amen :) <3 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The black and white marriage

My in laws anniversary is today...38 years of marriage, 7 children and 8 grandchildren later, still have a growing love. I thought it was befitting to share a story about the black and white marriage that my beautiful mother in law wrote for representing the sacrament of marriage.

The Calling of a Panda
Jesus Christ spoke to me one day...He said, "There is something I must share, if I may?" 

(To me)
"If  you would reflect God like a panda bear, you would wear his colors of his black and white hair!"
"Black for sacrifice, white for love, these are My colors," He said from above. 
"These two colors are inseparable, like on a panda, you'll see! And until you obtain them, you can not be with me!"
But I said, "Lord, I am only white and I need black?" 
He said, "Keep looking, your on the right track!" 
So up the mountain, I began to climb...and kept falling down but on the third time... 
someone picked me up, his color was black. 
He said, "I'm your sacrifice and placed me on his back. 
Our Lord said,"Keep climbing you two to the top until you see Calvary, then you may stop." 
When the sign appeared in front of our face, we said to our Lord, "Are we in the right place?" 
He said, "Look at each other and then you tell Me!" 
We looked at each other and received such a scare!!!!
For we had turned into one Big panda bear!!!!!!!!!

By: F. Georgianna Hibler

Here is a picture of it hanging in their bedroom! 

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, Mom and Dad!!! Thank you for being a beautiful example of a Christ filled-centered marriage! May the Lord ever be with you two in your marriage!! We love you!!!!! XOXO :) <3