Thursday, January 30, 2014

Longer Pregnancy Update

Week 32, 4 days now and boy I definitely feel 7 months pregnant. Can no longer bend over, see my toes, and tums are my nightly snack. I have also officially finished sewing baby stuff.
My hip breastfeeding cover!! 

My cute diaper stacker!! 

I also did some cute burp cloth decorating, with scraps of material I had. 
Everything is washed and put away, except gifts we get here and there. Still have to buy a nursing bra and will pack my bag in a few weeks. Yes, I like to be prepared and organized, mostly so I will not forget anything. Also, cause its fun to pack ahead and know your ready for baby, lol! I might do a post on what I pack, just cause I love looking at other's, so it should be fun. :) 
I have been feeling her move a lot, she is running out of room, so its just jabs and kicks. As of yesterdays ultrasound she is head down and ready for her exit, lol! I have gained 20 lbs. and one doctor said 40 lbs., yeah right not possible for me! I am happy with what I have gained because it is really hard for me to gain weight not being pregnant. I have been feeling braxton hicks contractions already. 
I am getting anxious about when baby will come. My due date is March 24, 2014. Lucas has a test on March 15, 2014 for his competency to get his license to teach. I would lie if I said I am not nervous 
about it, but it should be alright. My parents will be here that weekend for a previous engagement, so at least I will have someone here with me when he is testing. Now with our first I had him at 39 weeks and our second at 37 weeks. So we will see when she decides its time to come! :) 
My doctor's appointment was good, except her head is still measuring small. So now they are concerned, so off to a more in depth ultrasound. I was so nervous, but after discussing everything with the doctor and genetic counselor I am at peace with the results. So her head is just in the 6th percentile of growth, which is low but not bad. She is also 1 deviation under and for Microcephaly it needs to be 2 deviations under. Her brain anatomy and structure look good. So in short they couldn't diagnose her with Microcephaly through an ultrasound. They were a little annoyed that I had refused the amniocentesis tests and other genetic tests. Here is the thing about those tests, to me they are useless because my baby is my baby no matter what a test says. God knows what child He will bless us with, disabilities or not. I can not understand their insistence on knowing everything. I do understand for medical care she may need it would be helpful, but any other reason is just nonsense. So they offered other genetic tests through blood work, but I refused because I felt the Lord tell me in that moment, "It will be alright!" So for now all they said is we won't know for sure until she is born and will just continue to observe her growth. 
I am ever grateful for all the prayers, support, and love from you all!! We thank you with all our hearts and lots of prayers needed always!!! :) <3 
This is a picture of her arms!
This is a picture of her legs!! 
She wouldn't show her face and we got to see hair!!! :)

My 31 week belly!! 

My 32 week, 4 day belly!! :)

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Quick pregnancy update

I had another long, more detailed update but since we were out of town this weekend I will just do a short one. We had another ultrasound on Friday to get her head measurements again, but are still behind. We were referred to another ultrasound this week but it is a 3-D, more in depth. Unfortunately it is done in Albuquerque, but luckily we were here this weekend for a family wedding. So the boys and I are staying until Wednesday to go to it. I am not going to lie and say I am not worried now, because I am. I just want everything to okay not too stressful with worries about what is going on. It does not help I am more emotional now and just trying to be prepared for the new baby. I do know God has a big plan no matter what the circumstances are and keep telling myself He is in control no matter what. So lots of prayers please!!!! I need strength because Lucas will not be able to make it to this appointment due to the distance and him student teaching. I need courage to be able to take whatever news we get this day well enough to not be too stressed. Again lots of prayers and I will update you all later!!! :) <3

Thursday, January 16, 2014

How to survive with a new baby and toddler

It is only as stressful as you make it. No one expects you to be super mom, after you just gave birth. :) So relax, you have been through it once the second time is not so bad.
Let's talk reality, lol, EVERYONE is sleep deprived! The first 2 months are a little chaotic until you get into a rhythm. The first night home as a family was crazy!! Once your toddler gets used to hearing baby cry and not so new they sleep soundly. Feeding new baby was hard at first as well because the toddler needs attention at the same time baby's hungry. After a few days he began to understand and would cuddle with us. Of course the recovery is still needed, I began to do too much right away because I had a new baby and toddler to care for. So I definitely recommend if possible help with meals!! Hint to family/friends of new parents, taking families meals, even if just one meal, is a HUGE help and blessing!! This time around I am trying to plans meals I can make ahead and freeze for when baby comes. Resting when possible, this one was hard when Lukrik was awake, so take super advantage of napping toddlers. Don't even worry about cleaning or shopping, if your fortunate enough to have a husband like mine, then leave it to him! :)
Once more time passes and baby is a little bigger, I loved my Moby wrap for when baby needed to be carried and I needed to clean, shop, and go for walks (other outings). For spending time with your toddler: I would take advantage of baby's napping times to do simple activities. Coloring, reading, and a movie became favorites. Like I said the first 2 months are chaotic and eventually everyone gets accustomed to the change. So enjoy this time as best you can, children grow fast and soon you can say the chaos is blissful. Another big tip, which is my best is just pray  all day for strength, love, and patience!! :) <3

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

How to prepare your toddler for a baby's arrival

I keep seeing these lists or suggestions on Pinterest and thought I would make one with how we prepped Lukrik and now are prepping Ezekiel. So here is my best advice from experience:
1. When we first found out we were pregnant with our second we instantly told our oldest he would be a big brother. He was 13 months old, about the time we found out. It may seem useless, but children understand more than we believe they do.
2. We bought a book by Mercer Mayer, "Just Me and My Little Brother," once we new it was a boy. We read it every night until Zeke was born, Lukrik loved it!
3. We took him along to the ultrasound to see his baby. He was a little over whelmed, but over all excited.
4. We talked a lot about how babies are little at first and need lots of care and love. So we bought a little baby doll, yes even for boys! Demonstrating how to hold them and touching them with "gentle" hands.
5. Get them a special outfit for the day baby is coming home and make a big deal about the new gift just for them!!
6. Talk about who will be with them when you go to the hospital and that you will be gone. If they can be watched at their own home its best, but if not make sure they are comfortable where ever they will be.
Once baby is born, here is what we did:
1. If it is allowed for them to come visit at the hospital it is good. Having them see you are still around and meet the new baby. Lukrik would not touch Ezekiel at the hospital. After we got released we immediately picked up Lukrik and he was excited by the little baby.
2. We let him touch baby, but used the word gentle hands and demonstrated how to touch his brother. Never forbid them from touching, kissing, or holding the baby. Of course all with supervision, because lets face it children are curious. Plus, they have a genuine love for others if nurtured and allowed to grow!! :)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Abuse is not love...Part 3

*This post is very personal, and serious. I hope it is informative on how healthy relationships should be and how to seek help. Here are some websites to check out:,, and *

Here is part 1 and part 2, to catch up and not be lost. :)

He said he was outside my house and just needed to talk for just a bit. I told him I did not want to leave just talk and go to bed. I went out in my pj's, sweat shirt, and slippers. I told my parents, I was just going outside to see what he wanted real quick. They said okay, but not to take too long. I went to his car just to talk to him through the window and he said, just to get in since it was cold. I said, just to make it quick, I was already in bed. He said it would be, so I got in and he just took off!! I told him to go back and he said not until I listened to him! We drove around and he just yelled horrible things to me. I sat in silence, just cried, and prayed that I could escape this torture. At one point his dad called and he told him he was alone. We were heading to an old highway toward Texas. He was so angry and his words finally hit hard, I yelled back at him! He grabbed me by my sweat shirt and shook me up out of my seat. This was all while driving still!! That was it I curled up so tense and grabbed my knees. I sobbed and prayed that some how I could not be there at that moment, that somehow it was just a nightmare. We were near a school and I told him to take me home. He refused and held the door locked down. I had planned on running towards the building of the school as we approached a stop light and calling 911. He would not let go of the lock and I was weak from fear, so just sobbed resigned that he would never let me go. 
As we finally turned heading south, it happened there was a road block coming up and if he turned around he would draw attention. I just knew the Lord sent it to help rescue me in that needy time. So as we approached he said to stop crying, sit up,and act normal! Haha, act normal this is my only way to get away from this fool!! Sure enough he brought attention to himself without me having to be obvious. His windshield was shattered, which was the first warning. I remember there were 3 sheriffs and one was a lady officer who came to my side, tried to open the door and asked me to step out. I didn't hesitate and looked back at him with my eyes saying goodbye. I was taken aside and asked why I was in slippers. I began to tell her what happened in the car, I couldn't help but start crying again and shake from the shock. The other officer had "the guy" pull to the other side and get out to be questioned. Then they had another officer come in a car to keep me warm, while asking more questions. He asked what happened, if I lived with him, and if he hurt me. I explained from the beginning of the night and had to demonstrate how he grabbed me. I then said he didn't let me get out when I told him and how he locked the door. He said that is false imprisonment and I would not be going home with him. He then went out to talk to the other officers and returned with a package. It was information on domestic violence and where to seek support. It opened my eyes to the past year of abuse I had been living. I was still sobbing and trying to take it all in. The awesome officer said another officer would escort me home and explained the steps I should take to stay safe. I was amazed at how much officers know about characteristics of abuse, how comforting a strangers care could feel, and how helpful they all were. They were definitely my angels that night!! So I commend all law enforcement officers for their service and care to our community. 
I was taken home, tried calling ahead to alert my parents and warn them that a sheriff would bring me home. But no one answered, my dad was picking up my sister's from a winter ball dance and my mom was sleeping. I finally got home and just minutes later a call came from an advocate for abuse, its routine for situations like this. They informed me how to get a restraining order, what to do if he came over, and that they would send an officer if he was released. My mom came out once she heard me and I couldn't talk while on the phone. Once I got off I just sobbed and ran to her arms! Just then my dad and sister's got home, all frightened and asking questions. All my family showed support and love at this difficult time. I also received tons of support from close friends I still managed to have and I am forever grateful for them!!! 
It didn't end here he was released that same night on bail and continued to try to convince other people to call me for him. I resisted and kept moving forward, it was very difficult, but I just couldn't go back. He also stalked friends at their work places and my boss at the time. These actions led to my decision to go through with the restraining order, in order to protect myself. For months I suffered from tension, paranoia and fear of the unknown.
God is good, He truly helped me heal, have courage, find forgiveness, and trust others again. It was not an easy journey and it was difficult writing this last part because of the hurtful memories, but I would not change it. Mostly because I was able to see how much I do mean to our Lord and that in His timing He does have someone who can truly love you without the abuse. I will never forget all He taught me through this experience. I hope that you too can learn from it help others or yourself and know that abuse is not love. <3 

Friday, January 10, 2014

Pregnancy update

Just had a doctor's appointment early this morning. Have to get another ultrasound in two weeks to recheck her head size. Although the doctor did say it could be the machines, so they re-calibrated it, so we will see soon. My blood will also be checked, too! Every little change/complication with this pregnancy is super humbling. I really thought it would be chill and no complications, but it really has been my hardest. Emotionally at the beginning I was a hot mess, now I am more calm because the Lord has really showed me how to trust that He is in control no matter what and gives me peace. I am very excited to see how different a girl truly is in raising. :)
I am feeling really cramped, she keeps settling her foot in my ribs. I seriously forgot how uncomfortable you get in the end, especially since I am small to begin with. I feel like my stomach can't stretch anymore, lol! I know it will because our bodies are amazing. Karissa is of course moving like crazy, she especially likes to hear Daddy's voice and show off just for him. It is amazing and such a blessing to have the honor to carry a little baby. I am so grateful for another little baby and excited to meet her. :)
I am already nesting and getting everything ready, only 10 more weeks, yikes!! I need some more ideas on meals I can freeze to have for when baby comes, so any suggestions would be great! :)
My 29 weeks, 5 day belly!!

Side view, yes my belly button popped out since week 20! 

Here is a skin one, lol!! 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Year in Overview

Wow, time flies when your having fun!! 2013 is gone and what a year it has been for our family. We have been busy with life and will be busier this year. With lots of exciting changes for our family...a new baby, Lucas student teaching and graduating. It is sure to go all too quick again. So here is hoping and praying I keep my sanity! :)
Easter 2013

Welcoming my first Goddaughter!

Summer fun!

Ezekiel Simon turns 1 yr. old!!

Trip to the zoo for first time!

Happy 4th of July!!

Baby #3!!! 

Anne's Baptism!!

Lukrik Amadeus turns 3 yrs. old!!

Pumpkin carving!!
First Halloween trick or treating!!

Baby #3 profile!

Snowman making!!
Happy Thanksgiving 2013!!
Welcoming Anastasia Marie, my second niece!!
Merry Christmas 2013!!