Monday, July 15, 2013

Big news for our family!!!

So for all that do not know NFP awareness week starts next week July 21-July 27! For us it is the method we use to achieve and avoid pregnancies in a healthy way not only physically but most importantly spiritually!!! We have done it since we become husband and wife, it truly is such a blessing for our marriage. With that said here is the big news...

Yes, we are pregnant with baby #3, due late March 2014!!!!! We are are super excited and nervous at the same time! I am 4 weeks and for me it is never too soon to share the news. I love to ask for lots of prayers and it is always in the Lord's hands!! I am already getting full fledged cravings and morning sickness as well. Oh yes, to clarify now yes we most definitely planned this baby as well as the boys! It is always a joy to decide to achieve a pregnancy and more so to trust that God ultimately has a divine plan for our lives. So to make it short and sweet, many prayers are always appreciated!!! :)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Becoming a Godmother!

In May we were asked to be Godparents to a precious baby girl of our dear friends and compadres (Lukrik's Godparents). Since we became parents, we know how special Godparents are to children because it takes so much energy to raise them: emotionally, physically, mentally, and especially spiritually, having extra support is much needed! I was so happy and honored to be chosen to be their extra support to help them raise their little darling girl. So happy because I get to be part of a little life  without the bearing and feeding, lol!! It truly is such a blessing to be supportive, it helps keep me in line, too! Also, it encourages me knowing there are people truly blessed by choosing to bring to life a precious little miracle of God's creation!!!!
Little A and Nina!! 
So precious!!! :)