Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Living a glamorous life as a mom

I love being on instagram and seeing all the pictures of people's everyday life. Of course we only see what people post and it can be edited. I like to see it as sharing the best parts and sometimes not so best parts of life. I am not that photogenic but I take selfies every once in a while. I am no fashion model but do like to get pretty! I love that quote that says, "I wake up like this." I always picture a woman with a shirt with that quote on it, perfect hair, and beautiful makeup. If I wore that shirt this is what I would look like, lol! 
I took this picture at the end of February in the morning after waking up. I showered the night before and didn't blow dry my hair. I wondered why Karissa was looking at me funny, then I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I gasped as I saw my hair and then started laughing!! So I just had to take a picture, lol! 
 It takes time for me to do my hair and makeup. Once I had my first child I still took time to do my makeup and hair. After my second, I cut all my hair off to make life easier. It is important to continue to do things that make you feel good. I don't always look like this, but more like picture above! 
Just remember life as a mom is as glamorous as we make it, even when we look hilarious!!  :)  <3

Monday, April 6, 2015

Lenten/Easter Activities

  I love seeing crafts made by children, probably my inner teacher manifesting itself in my parenting. So of course I searched Pinterest and Catholic Icing for ideas on crafts we could do during lent to help the kids learn about how Christ suffered for us and gave His life for us to live eternally. Also, any activities your church may offer are super as well.
  I didn't do anything too complicated, after all I have a 4 yr., 2 yr., and 1 yr.old. First our parish had a program called "Living the Eucharist," in which we had the Family Activity Booklet. It was done once a week and had awesome suggestions for praying with young children by using simple things. We set up a purple cloth, a white candle, and our bible. The children enjoyed it and it helped teach them more about praying, reading scripture, and how to be reverent in the right times to be open to God. We also did a rice bowl during Lent, you collect money in a cardboard bowl/box and take it back to your parish. It helps feed children/families in need. Another great way to teach about giving is cleaning out closets with clothes and toys you don't need anymore to donate.
  I enjoy crafting with the kids, it is relaxing to just have fun painting or coloring. I used this Lenten calendar from www.catholicicing.com these are our almost completed ones down below. Also in the picture is some eggs they painted for fun!

We did at least one activity a week and discussed a little bit about the meaning behind it. With a 4 year old you can talk more about it and they ask questions. With a 2 yr.old and a 1 yr.old it is less talk, more stories and example. Here one of favorite Easter stories: 

Here is our activities we did starting with a color sheet with the Our Father prayer and a video they received for Christmas about praying. They really like this video because it has singing in it and they love music.

Now Lukrik colored his all on his own and Ezekiel needed help (picked colors). 

This an activity we did altogether to represent our Lenten journey and see it visually. 

The boys helped make their miniature rosaries. 
This craft took more planning, we used recycled paper towel rolls to make our crosses. 

These were just going to be hung, but they rolled after the paint dried, so I had to come up with a new plan. 
Finished product! :)
Growing up this Easter tree was put up, so I was excited that my parents gave it to me to use with my kids now. I found the idea on Pinterest for putting the verses from the daily readings on purple cross papers, I just did strips of paper. 
This is the tree we decorated for Holy week, with bunnies, birds nests, and eggs. 

This is for St. Patrick's Day and watching the CCC video on his life. It is a green shamrock with the trinity on it. 

We collected sticks in the backyard for a a craft I wanted to make of a cross with a white lily.

Of course going to Mass helps children understand their faith more and we love going. I especially love Holy week, but this year the boys caught colds so just Karissa and I went to Palm Sunday Mass. I also love Holy Thursday Mass, but we were so exhausted from a week of sick kids so we chose to stay home and rest some more. Here is the little craft and activities we did for Holy week. 

Coloring eggs is always fun!!

Here are their Easter baskets, at Mass for Easter they have a blessing of the children and their baskets. We didn't know they did that so next year! 

Our cake with a bunny and cross. 

Ready for egg hunting!! 

Hope you liked our activities and feel free to share what you did! 
Happy Resurrection Day from the Hibler's!!! ;) <3