Monday, October 17, 2022

Violet Valora's Birth Story

 We took a trip to triage Saturday night September 10, I had been contracting for 5 hours, with contractions 1 minute apart for 1 to 2 minutes long and stronger than they have been this pregnancy. I have not progressed any and they slowed down. I was actually not dehydrated so no need for IVs. We were told it was a false alarm and that I should know when it is "time". The thing is every labor has been different and I get the dreaded prodromal labor. I feel like I am doing good with breathing and just allowing my body to do what it needs. Then we head to the hospital and my body just freezes up. I feel like my body can't go into labor on its own and it does not know how to labor. Went in again Monday, September 12 at 10 pm because thought my water might have broke. Started contracting as well. Went in and checked and still the same. Not amniotic fluid was sent home again. 

Had a 38-week appointment and ultrasound to check her growth. Everything looked good but decided it was time to induce and all doctors agreed. We were feeling like they might not be able to get it in that soon. I surrendered and just asked our Lord to let his will be done. At 9:30 am on September 16th, they called to say we could come on September 18 at 8 pm. I was cleaning everything really well and doing last-minute laundry. I planned to rest on Saturday and be ready for our induction Sunday night, we watched a movie as a family and began getting strong contractions. On September 17, started contracting stronger and cramping a lot. We had walked that morning to our town's Pinto Bean fiesta parade. And had started contracting since then. By 12 pm had some bloody show. Took a nap, and put on a warm rice sock to help with cramping. I gave all the little kids baths and had them ready for Religious Education the next morning. By 6 pm had more bloody show and still contracting. They were not too close or consistent so I thought it was early labor and was excited some progress was happening since I had a bloody show. I never saw my mucus plug come out, but I had a lot of trips to the bathroom so probably didn't notice it. Took a nap after dinner and at 7 pm woke up to stronger contractions. I was getting so irritated with everyone but still didn't think I was in active labor. They were still not very close together, just so much cramping and strong. By 9 pm decided to try Tylenol for the cramping and go to bed. My mother-in-law had insisted on coming over but told her it had just started. Well, the Tylenol didn't work much, by 11 pm they got stronger, I rested in between, prayed for all the intentions, and listened to some birth meditations. I still didn't think I was in labor until 1 pm when I started getting nauseous and had such intense contractions, I was beginning to moan through them. When I told my hubby I needed to puke, he knew I was laboring and asked if he should call his mom. I said you probably better. He did and I waddled to the bathroom again. Sat there for a few contractions and thought maybe I am in active labor. But still didn't think I was that close, it tends to get a little hazy when I hit 7 cm through transition. 

I finally got dressed and waddled to the kitchen. As he loaded our bags and got everything we needed. I began to think of just getting a darn epidural. Which is where my mind goes when I am transitioning. It still didn't occur to me that this could be labor and I was so close to meeting our baby girl. I just had the idea that I couldn't labor on my own or that I would go get checked and be sent home just to wait for my induction time. We all have probably heard something discouraging or disappointing in pregnancy, so that makes you doubt so much is hard and needs healing. 

 As we waited for my momma-in-law, I declared to my hubby that I might not be able to do it without an epidural. He just rubbed my back and said whatever I wanted, but that maybe it was close. I cried and said it probably isn't and I am tired. He started praying his mom would hurry. She finally arrived at 2 pm. I got up and had to pause at the door before getting to the car. I got in and settled in a laid-back position. Closed my eyes and just asked for strength, driving for 40 minutes to the hospital seemed torturous at this point. But I asked to just be calm and just be strong. I wanted to be calm because my hubby had to focus on driving and getting us there safely. We both had an unspoken realization, that we could possibly have her on the way to the hospital. I know we both prayed to make it safely and whatever our Lord's will.

I didn't speak the whole way and just breathed, moaned, and got through each surge that hit me. I felt on the last one like my water might break, but I prayed it wouldn't yet. He got us there in 30 minutes and parked close by. He asked if I could get out and all I said was if I want an epidural just let me. He said yes whatever you want, let us just get in the hospital. Can you walk? I thought maybe at least to the emergency room. But as another hit me while walking in I felt so much pressure and had to hold my front belly and butt. I sat there moaning and breathing. Finally, a nice man came with a wheelchair and took us up. As a big surge of pain hit my leg began trembling and that is when I realized that I was in labor and she was coming soon! 

We got to triage at 2:30 am and the nurse asked if I could pee in a cup and I shook my head no. She asked if I felt pressure and I said yes lots. She yelled for the head nurse who ran in and asked if she could check me. I said in a minute as I stood and moaned. I finally got on the bed and she said when you are ready lift your knees up. I did and she said oh yeah, bulging bag of water, you are going to have your baby! 

I was so relieved and also shocked. They quickly moved me to labor and delivery and started setting up everything. The midwife was in there fast and asked to take a look as I quickly undressed. She said oh yeah baby is there and the fluid is meconium stained, we are calling in the neonatologists. I was laying on my side and she asked if I wanted her to break my bag of water. I said yes please, I am ready. So on my back, I got and a painful pop with gushing fluid going everywhere. That was at 2:37 am and said I could push on the next contraction. So at 2:40 am, I started pushing and then stopped a bit to catch my breath. Tried again but then stopped right before the burn. The midwife instructed me to push longer, encouraging me I was doing so good. I knew what it meant and took a big breath and at 2:44 am after three pushes, Violet Valora arrived into the world. All slimy with vernix and beautiful!! She was placed on my tummy and didn't cry right away, which when meconium is present is a good thing because they can clear it out before they inhale it. She was suctioned a bit and rubbed, then gave a little cry! I was so happy and relieved to hear that cry. To be holding her and seeing her sweet face was so amazing! My placenta came faster than other births and I felt it more this time. I actually got to see it and we even took pictures. They clamped her cord and Daddy cut it. I put her up on my chest and we were given clean, warm blankets. They examined everything with no tears, just a scrape. She looked good and I was filled with such joy! We had such a beautiful birth, one I did think I needed. I had prayed for a natural birth and our Lord gave me my heart's desire. 

Violet Valora Hibler 

7 lbs 3oz 
20 1/2" 
13" head circumference

We are so grateful for all the prayers, gifts, help, and love throughout this pregnancy and for Violet!!! Thanks be to God!!!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Birth Announcment Baby #6

 Birth announcement of baby #6

Violet Valora Hibler

Born: September 18, 2022

Time: 2:44 am

Weighed: 7lbs. 3oz.

Length: 20 1/2" inches

We appreciate the prayers! 

Anuncio de nacimiento de bebe #6

Violeta Valora Hibler

Nacida: Septiembre 18, 2022

Hora: 2:44 am

Peso: 7 libras 3 onzas

Larga: 20 1/2" pulgadas

Nosotros apreciamos todas las oraciones!

Thursday, March 17, 2022

The Blessing of Children

 "How can there be too many children? That is like saying there are too many flowers." --St. Teresa of Calcutta

I have been reflecting on the blessing of children. Yes, it is hard and arduous work to mother so many, but it is good. Sure, I get tired, annoyed, frustrated. I am human after all. They are a blessing, especially because I am undeserving of them and their love. 

I honestly pray that everyone would just love children. That they could see the value of children. That they would treat them with dignity and love. That they could truly treasure them as gifts. That they could see what joy and wonder they bring. That they could honestly see God in their hearts and pray for them. 

I have always found children fascinating. I honestly didn't want any children. Until I met Lucas and wanted tons, lol. Now, I see each of our children and am so humbled. Humbled by the precious gift of life. Humbled to have the ability to bear and nourish our babies. Humbled to be given so many children to teach, care for, and love them. Humbled to see them grow and become loving little humans despite our failings. Humbled to be entrusted a person, made in the image of God, to care for. 

So thanks be to God, for all our children! Thank you, Lord, for the opportunity to give of ourselves daily and for calling us to love unconditionally!!       

This song is beautiful!! 

Our children...ages 11, 9, 8, 4, 2, and in the womb!!!