Week 32, 4 days now and boy I definitely feel 7 months pregnant. Can no longer bend over, see my toes, and tums are my nightly snack. I have also officially finished sewing baby stuff.
My hip breastfeeding cover!!
My cute diaper stacker!!
I also did some cute burp cloth decorating, with scraps of material I had.
Everything is washed and put away, except gifts we get here and there. Still have to buy a nursing bra and will pack my bag in a few weeks. Yes, I like to be prepared and organized, mostly so I will not forget anything. Also, cause its fun to pack ahead and know your ready for baby, lol! I might do a post on what I pack, just cause I love looking at other's, so it should be fun. :)
I have been feeling her move a lot, she is running out of room, so its just jabs and kicks. As of yesterdays ultrasound she is head down and ready for her exit, lol! I have gained 20 lbs. and one doctor said 40 lbs., yeah right not possible for me! I am happy with what I have gained because it is really hard for me to gain weight not being pregnant. I have been feeling braxton hicks contractions already.
I am getting anxious about when baby will come. My due date is March 24, 2014. Lucas has a test on March 15, 2014 for his competency to get his license to teach. I would lie if I said I am not nervous
about it, but it should be alright. My parents will be here that weekend for a previous engagement, so at least I will have someone here with me when he is testing. Now with our first I had him at 39 weeks and our second at 37 weeks. So we will see when she decides its time to come! :)
My doctor's appointment was good, except her head is still measuring small. So now they are concerned, so off to a more in depth ultrasound. I was so nervous, but after discussing everything with the doctor and genetic counselor I am at peace with the results. So her head is just in the 6th percentile of growth, which is low but not bad. She is also 1 deviation under and for Microcephaly it needs to be 2 deviations under. Her brain anatomy and structure look good. So in short they couldn't diagnose her with Microcephaly through an ultrasound. They were a little annoyed that I had refused the amniocentesis tests and other genetic tests. Here is the thing about those tests, to me they are useless because my baby is my baby no matter what a test says. God knows what child He will bless us with, disabilities or not. I can not understand their insistence on knowing everything. I do understand for medical care she may need it would be helpful, but any other reason is just nonsense. So they offered other genetic tests through blood work, but I refused because I felt the Lord tell me in that moment, "It will be alright!" So for now all they said is we won't know for sure until she is born and will just continue to observe her growth.
I am ever grateful for all the prayers, support, and love from you all!! We thank you with all our hearts and lots of prayers needed always!!! :) <3
This is a picture of her arms!
This is a picture of her legs!!
She wouldn't show her face and we got to see hair!!! :)
My 31 week belly!!
My 32 week, 4 day belly!! :)
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