Tuesday, April 15, 2014

1 month postpartum and life with 3 children

Karissa is 1 month old and growing fast!! She now weighs 8 lbs.and 2 oz. and 21" long. We are still getting the hang of nursing. She has had a lazy latch and since her mouth is so small its been hurting me still. I have to admit its been a little rough enjoying nursing her because of the pain. It is not supposed to hurt when you nurse and it is totally enjoyable. I finally got nipple shield to help her latch on better and wow huge difference!! So it is helping and hopefully will get better. I can say even with the challenges it is the best thing for both of us! :) We are grateful she is growing and doing amazing! Plus she is a total cutie!!

I am feeling pretty good and lost 10 lbs. already. Once my 6 weeks pass I will start a little exercising to get  in shape. We are not too sleep deprived, mostly because of nursing and co-sleeping. :) 
Big brother Ezekiel still takes naps during the day which is a huge blessing! I at least can rest a little since Lukrik isn't so destructive anymore, lol. We did have a rare moment in time at the Hibler house the other day...
All 3 kids napping at the same time! :) 

Speaking of 3 kids napping...I prepared myself for total chaos for the first 2 months. It has been total chaos, but also a blessing. I say a blessing because it has made me take in every moment one at a time and truly prayerfully be vigilant to my needs and my families. It has been a little crazy with 3 kids, especially when I nurse Karissa. I have days when it is gets so stressful that all I want to do is cry! Especially when everyone wants mommy at the same time.Its a tough job and with lots of help from the Lord I am managing . I don't freak out about the mess anymore (after kid 2 you know better) because its inevitable but their safety I do. I now know why we have Guardian angels, because as parents we can't protect our children from everything. If you've ever watched the "Croods," everyday we say "still alive!" with our hands in the air, lol!! :)
I have yet to make a good dinner, mostly frozen meals and sandwiches. So thank you to our awesome parent's, compadres and my nina for bringing us a few good meals!! We appreciate it so much!!! :)
It is hard with 3 kids, but its what we wanted and what is not hard at times different times in our lives. We are blessed with our amazing, cute, and loving children that the Lord put in our lives. We can't imagine our lives without them and wouldn't change it for the world!!!! :) <3 

I also finally had a precious moment with Karissa, Lucas took the boys outside and I was able to nurse her in peaceful silence!! 
My little sweet pea...love taking in her beauty!!

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