Disclaimer of bodily fluids to be mentioned, but could not be left out. :)
I was not due until March 24, 2014, but it was just time. At my last appointment they noticed I had dropped and she was quite low in my pelvis. Apparently this occurs right before labor begins in subsequent pregnancies, not weeks before. I also note that I lose weight right before as well.. Another truth for me is I get this energy urge to nest and have absolutely everything ready for the arrival of baby. At my appointment on Monday Feb. 24, I was not checked, but told them my braxton hick contractions were stronger now. So the doctor just said see you next week hopefully and told me when to go the hospital.
Now by Wednesday Feb. 26, I really began having contractions. Yes I had been cleaning and such all day, so when Lucas got home I decided to rest, but they kept coming. I took a shower and gave the boys a bath. By the time the boys were in bed I had decided that is was time to go to the hospital. I have a history of having strong contractions and going in only to find they fade out. So my sister came around 11 pm and we got to the hospital by 12 am and checked in. I was checked only to be 1 cm and 50% effaced. They hooked me up and left for 2 hrs, they seemed busy that night. While we sat there, I felt a pop, but no fluid came out, so we assumed it was just her moving. Once they were done they came and checked again still the same. We were sent home and the nurse said she thought we would be back later that day. So off we went to rest. All day Thursday Feb. 27, I had contractions, but not consistent or unbearable. Also lost my mucus plug, but I never noticed any fluid leaking. Once Lucas got home, I told him we were going to Sam's Club for some last minute stuff we needed and to walk this baby out. Now I know it was early, but she had to be ready or why else would my body start labor. Now with the boys I had a lot of back labor, but with her it was more intense cramping and just back aches. So it helped to go walk and get what we needed. I rested well that night because it was just cramps I felt. I also went to buy raspberry leaf tea and drank two cups that night.
Friday Feb. 28, woke up with mild contractions and cramping. Decided I would go for a walk around the block. The boys and I went to a park across the street and ran around. Came home and the contractions started coming strong again. I began timing them and called Lucas around 1:30 pm to just come home because it was hard to labor alone with the boys around. He came right away and I called my mom to have her call into work. She also had a 2 hour journey to us, so I wanted to be sure she got here soon to be with the boys. We then called our compadres because the contractions were really close together and I could not wait for my mom. They came, we left and arrived at 2:30 pm at the hospital.
Now the dreaded check...only 2 cm and 60% effaced. Check again in an hour, so just wait!! Of course in that time guess what happened my contractions slowed down. She came in checked still 2 cm but 70% effaced. Check with midwife, because my blood platelets had gone down again. Our nurse was busy because there were lots of babies being born again, so another nurse let us walk around. They were coming back and the walking was making them stronger. So we walked around, spoke with the midwife and since my blood platelets were not dangerously low we would see what my body wanted to do. When we got back in the room, the nurse asked if my water had broken because she noticed some fluid on the pad. I said no, so they did the test to check if it was amniotic fluid and check my cervix. Still 2 cm but now 75% effaced, which meant progress was happening. Stay tuned for part 2 to find out if it was amniotic fluid. :)
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