Monday, November 26, 2018

Pregnancy update plus name reveal

This pregnancy has been completely different. Everyone knows my pregnancy with Michael was by far my worst. From horrible nausea and vomiting to laboring since 26 weeks. So going into this pregnancy I expected the same thing to happen and yes still wanted another baby, they are worth it. I know every pregnancy is different but they have gotten worse the more I have. Not true for this little baby.
Let us back up a bit for a better picture. We kept saying after Michael we were probably done having children. Last November a cousin had a little baby girl whom was not well, won't give details due to sensitivity and respecting family. Anyways, we were open to the idea of possibly adopting her and were praying diligently for her health. Things didn't work out for us, but she is well and thriving. Well this brought out in my heart a longing for another baby. When I say longing and it is hard to say out loud. But would I pray constantly and cry for another baby. I feel it  was because I see how precious life is and it so beautiful we have the free will to choose to be open to it. So whether you think, wow they are crazy! Well we are crazy, crazy in love with each other and our Lord. We trust that He will provide if we trust Him and seek Him always!

We tried for a few cycles and I know others try for years to get pregnant. We are blessed with super fertility and it was hard emotionally for me to not be pregnant after the first cycle trying. I was pretty discouraged, but prayed and offered it up for others suffering from infertility. When we finally got the positive result on the test, I was shocked and couldn't believe it. I took more than one test for a few days just to be sure. As weeks went by and I was not feeling any nausea, I started to get anxious. I had my midwife order a dating ultrasound just to see for sure there was a baby in there. There on that screen we saw the little baby wiggling and a strong heart beat! Such a relief to see and with a grateful heart I found some peace. Here we are at 18 weeks (5 months) and I feel pretty great! I have energy again, which in the first trimester was really my only symptom, pure exhaustion. I also was having some asthma issues, which were leaving me breathless after just putting laundry away. After getting on an oral steroid my asthma is under control, thankfully. We got to keep an eye on blood platelets again. I am now having an increase in appetite and my belly finally popped. We didn't get to hear the heart beat at my 12 week appointment. This appointment we couldn't hear it right away and she finally found it low, but it sounded so far away. She thinks that my placenta might be in front. Which would explain not feeling movement yet. So we shall see at the anatomy scan where little baby is. I am so blessed to have a pregnancy like this and it feels too good to be true. I will take it though and just enjoy it! 

We had our anatomy scan this past week. So baby is a boy!! He was a wiggly little baby. It turns out my placenta is in the back. I guess I  just have more space so movement is hard to feel still. He was measuring a few days ahead, so he is growing well. Everything looked great and my cervix is looking normal. I do have to go every two weeks to get it checked for shortening until 24 weeks. I will probably start the progesterone cream again and have already began taking magnesium supplements. Overall, just taking steps to prevent early contracting. Although, I don't think I have total control at least I already know how to get through it. Prayers would be appreciated for no irritable uterus nonsense. It is so draining emotionally and physically. I feel it might be different this pregnancy but we shall see. Here is the video reveal of the kids reactions! Everyone was hoping for a baby girl, they are overall excited. We told them to pray before we decided to try for a baby. It was a good lesson for them to see even when we pray for what we want God gives us exactly what we need. 

Here is the name we chose for this baby boy. It was hard and we actually voted between two names and this one won. We always chose a name before we find out because once we know it is nice to call them by name. We are excited and so blessed to have so many healthy children! 

Here is his coming home outfit and a special onesie in honor of his awesome Grama's/Abuelita's!

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