Monday, March 18, 2013

Our Lenten Journey

Our lenten journey so far has been completely different from what I had planned. I set out for us to eat healthy, exercise, organize the house better, more importantly pray a rosary together as a family every night, and teach Lukrik scripture. What we have done instead...eating healthy we are still doing good, no exercising, being sick for almost a month now. I was having allergy issues causing me to have asthma attacks, Ezekiel got his first ear infection, and Lukrik got RSV which meant nebulizer treatments four times a day. Our house was in total chaos and no organizing done. Praying together and studying scripture, ha ha, we have not even been to church in three weeks!! :(
I began to get down because we were still wiping noses, feeling sick, and living in chaos. I was thinking what am I doing wrong for us to still be feeling sick? Being home all the time to do treatments for Lukrik did not help my mood. Lukrik asked if we could go to church to see Jesus, even he is missing church already which made it even harder for me to be joyful. I began to pray for perseverance and patience. I instantly thought of Job and found this verse in Job 2:10, "Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall not accept adversity?" I am humbled at the thought of needing to accept adversity and still praising God in it all.
The Lord showed me how many things we have and how truly blessed we are even in sickness.This caused me to be grateful for many things I was overlooking in our current situation. I am grateful that we live in this country and have access to medical services. Grateful that Lukrik and I can get medicine to breathe better. Grateful that even my two and a half year old has an immense longing for our Lord; he sees the importance of fellowship with our church family and desires blessings received by attending Mass.Grateful for support from family, friends, and medical professionals in time of sickness. Grateful that we are free to go to the church we want and not be persecuted for our belief in Jesus Christ. Grateful that even in our sickness we can praise our Lord for all that He provides every minute of everyday, because lets face it we could be doing much worse.
So even in the midst of sickness, chaos, and pure physical exhaustion this may very well be my best Lenten journey because I look forward to the hope of His resurrection with great anticipation!!
"But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." 1 Corinthians 15:57-58 <3

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