We always have names picked out for our babies so as soon as we find out the gender we can call them by name. In case any one wonders Hibler's are known for making more boys than girls so logically we have more boy names. At the beginning of the pregnancy I felt it was a girl, mainly because of how sick I was and also thought twins. My hcg levels were elevated and I was having trouble with my thyroid. It is not a fun thing to experience at all. We also only have one in there. Thankfully to our Lord's healing I am feeling much better now and we both are healthy!
When we first got married and began praying for a baby to grow our family, I had a dream that we had three boys. So when the ultrasound technician announced instantly that it was a boy, I was really excited! I did want a sister for Karissa, but the Lord knew we needed another handsome boy!!
The name we chose this time is after both our Daddies because we admire and love both of them so much! The meaning of their names are beyond perfect and helped us really decide on them. Michael means who is like God and David means beloved.
It is so exciting when a new child enters our family because it forever changes the dynamic of our family. I am so honored to once again carry one of our children and be their mommy! Please keep us in your prayers!! :) <3