I had started getting stronger contractions since June 3rd and was relieved we were going to be induced the next day. I was a little nervous about it, just cause we were making him come out. Overall though I had a peace about the situation and my body was telling it was time. I was also super excited to finally meet my baby boy!
We left a little late and got checked into the hospital at about 11:30 am on June 4th, 2017. We met our nurses and had two because one was training. The midwife came in to talk with us about what to start and check my cervix. We were excited to hear I was almost at 6 cm, 80% effaced, -1 station and anterior. She suggested trying pitocin to start contractions more before breaking my bag of waters. I agreed with that and said I was ready. Once the nurses got my IV in and started some fluids. By 12:30 pm my pitocin was going and I could start to feel them coming. My contractions don't feel any different when on pit except they are longer. Of course our pain management plan was breathing techniques and relaxing. Lucas is such a great coach and support! I was munching on ice and having him read me this really awesome birth affirmation with scriptures I found on pinterest.
I also offer up my pain for people needing prayer. It is just something that helps me to focus on others suffering so I don't feel sorry for myself or let the pain control my emotions.
Every hour the nurse would come and up my pitocin which only happened once. They had not raised the dose again because during each contraction his heart rate would go down. It was like that for an hour and we figured out the monitor was not close enough to my belly because I would lean in when I would get a contraction. His heart rate would actually go up during a contraction. Once we could monitor his heart rate for a bit she was going to come and raise the pitocin. I labored on a birthing ball for about an hour. The nurses were at lunch, when my contractions started to pick up and really get longer. I was really feeling nauseous by now and needed to go to the bathroom. I was really starting to get tired and thinking I should ask for something. I know my body and my mind goes there when I get close but we had not been there long at all. I didn't think it was time for him to come. Once I got back in bed our midwife came in and said she would be breaking my bag of waters, that was around 2 pm. I had a few more contractions and at 2:45 pm in the middle of probably the strongest contraction I had felt thus far, in the silence of my breathing there came a pop! Like a balloon just popped in the room. Lucas said to me what was that?! I continued to breath and in between said I think it was my water. He looked under the blanket and said oh no the fluid looks green.
We then called the nurses, our training nurse and one from triage came to check. They said definitely your bag of waters and it looks like some meconium. Call the NICU and let them know. I got another short contraction and told her I felt pressure. She said it was normal since my water broke. I got a little frustrated because this is not my first rodeo and that feels like a baby is about to come kind of pressure. So off went the nurses. I got another contraction where I felt a ton of fluid rush out and told Lucas go get the midwife he is coming out! He ran out and I turned to my side because that helps me not feel the urge to push. I sent a quick prayer that I would not be alone when he came out. Lucas came in and said there they come. Our nurses came in first and I told them please hurry he is coming. Midwife came in and said let me check you. Once on my back I could feel his head right there. They saw the pad had fluid and definitely meconium. Looked at me and said well he is coming. Everyone started rushing around getting everything ready. I had already began trembling as I do right before I have my babies. Quickly got the plastic pad under me and said on the next contraction push if you are ready. Haha, so ready lady! It hit me and the urge to push was so overwhelming. Out came his head and told try not to push because he had the umbilical cord wrapped twice around his little neck. I tried to hold him but he just slid on out anyway. At 3:02 pm on June 4th our little baby boy came to be with us, finally.
Hurried to untangle him and sent him with the NICU nurses. Finally heard him cry and was relieved! I was about to deliver my placenta and they said he looked good.
By then I was really trembling from head to toe. I didn't need any stitches which surprised me considering how fast he came out. Got cleaned up a bit and they brought him over to me.
This face is one of excitement mixed with complete shock!
My sweet baby Michael.
Love me some skin to skin!
We had planned to have my mother in law and sister in law be present for his birth, but they didn't make it. So they arrived bearing gifts for us!
Daddy finally holding his boy!
Michael David
So exhausted from the quick birth he had.
Our little birthday cupcake Grama Georgie brought!
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