Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Breastfeeding my babies

Here is a quote I found on Pinterest that I liked,"I'm not telling you it's going to be easy, I'm just telling you it will be worth it."
I never really had an opinion about breastfeeding before I had children. I just had not thought about it, but figured I would formula feed my babies. Then when we got married and knew we wanted children, I began to think about it. So I researched what would be best for baby and I. To be honest my first interest in breastfeeding was because of how expensive formula was. I talked to people that were breastfed and/or breastfeeding their children. Which taught me that it had benefits for both baby and mommy. My mom did not breastfeed us because no one ever really told her about it and those that did said formula was better. So I believe in educating yourself about it. Also for others to share their experiences helps, too! Anyone that knows me well knows I love sharing my experiences good or bad. It helps me feel better by sharing most of my experiences good or bad. Every child I breastfed has been so different, but it was nice knowing what to expect and how to seek help. I love the connection we feel when nursing them it is like nothing else I have ever lived.
I have breastfeed all four my children and still breastfeeding baby Michael. I never would have known how awesome breastfeeding was unless I really tried. Not all my experiences have been the same. With our oldest I had to pump at first because he was on oxygen and feeding tube due to the meconium aspiration. I was not able to nurse him for the first 3 days after his birth. Our second nursed well from the start and still our best eater to date. Our sweet little girl was born at 36 weeks and had the tiniest mouth. She had a hard time latching on correctly and a nipple shield finally did wonders. I nursed her the longest, up until her second birthday. Our youngest and current baby boy has definitely been my hardest. He had a weird latch from the beginning which we figured out was a lip tie. Then after that first month he was colicky and was finally diagnosed with reflux. It was so miserable to not be able to comfort and soothe a newborn by breastfeeding. With all the right care medically and going dairy free, we are still breastfeeding strong and he is almost 11 months. I don't really know if he will nurse past a year we shall see. So that is all my breastfeeding experience in short summaries.
So if you don't know if you can breastfeed your baby. My advice is research, research, and find support. You do not know if it will work until you try, our bodies are pretty amazing to say the least and I believe you can do anything you try!
My dad gave me this awesome shirt!
Some anti-slip socks for wearing after having baby Michael!
Michael in his booby beanie for World Breastfeeding Week! 

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