Our due date was June 11, 2017. I had been dealing with preterm contractions since 26 weeks. After 7 weeks of figuring out what would start contractions and irritate my uterus, my midwife suggested trying a topical natural progesterone cream. It was very rough those 7 weeks because I was in so much pain which made it emotionally difficult. Once it came in, I was already 34 weeks along. It did work wonderfully though and I was able to get a break from being in pain at least until 37 weeks when I could stop the cream. I didn't stop applying it until almost 38 weeks, but the contractions started coming again.
At my 36 week appointment on May 16th, I was 1cm dilated, 60% effaced, his head was at -2 station, and my cervix was anterior. The midwife said that was typical for how far along I was and given it is my fourth pregnancy. Also told me, my platelets were dropping again which required a blood draw every week until I delivered. I went home comfortably knowing it was not quite time yet, but worried my platelets were dropping. Continued contracting again for five more days and that night felt him shift downward more into my pelvis. The next day had so much back pain and pressure in my pelvis. On May 23rd had contractions on and off all day took tylenol at night and applied heat to my back which helped me sleep. This was Ezekiel's birthday our second son, but I carried on his little celebration plans. We went to daily Mass to pray for him and got a special blessing from Father for labor. On the 24th contracting a bit during the day, but in the late evening started getting consistent, strong contractions. We went into labor and delivery that night. We had been having great nurses in triage until this night, she was just not that great. When she checked me she said I was closed and firm. Claimed I was dehydrated and sent us home. I was not able to sleep very well, because when we left I was still contracting lots. I had an appointment the next day, which was great because I was still contracting. I asked my midwife if your cervix can close back up because according to that nurse I was. She said no you can't and when she checked me I was 3 cm dilated, 70% effaced, -2 station, and anterior cervix. She stripped my membranes to get things going because I was in a lot of pain. My platelets had gone up from last week, so that was great news! Heard the prodromal labor term again and knew I had to just hang in there. The next day my mucus plug came out in the morning, still contracting. By 12pm they had been coming consistently and had gotten stronger for 4 hours. We left to Albuquerque at 1pm, got a little break from the contractions for five minutes in between and got some food down. As we got closer the contractions started to space out a bit, so I pleaded with Lucas to stop at Ross which is right next door to our hospital. We got down, went to the bathroom where I had three contractions and then they started up again. We walked around just looking and I began to really get them. We found a cool mug and some candy to buy. The line was quite long so we decided if I couldn't wait we would just leave. I made it, barely, lol. Got into triage at 2:50pm and had to wait for a bed to open up. Still getting contractions and checked to be the same as the day before, this nurse noticed the bloody show. So she had us walk around for an hour and get checked again. She was an awesome nurse and so grateful we had her. We walked the hospital for an hour, ate some dinner and went to get checked. I was now a 4 cm, but still 70% effaced. Went walking some more, came back and was then checked by the midwife on call. Still the same, so off to walk for another hour. I was beginning to get tired and still getting contractions. After the hour we went back up and she checked again. Still the same other than his head at a -1 station, talked a bit about what to do. Decided to just go home and rest. The next day still contracting and had more bloody show.
On the 28th went in again to triage cause I thought my water broke and was having really strong contractions. No water broken and still not much to do, so sent home again. We decided to hang around Albuquerque went to breakfast and Mass, since it was Sunday. Continued contracting during Mass and after. We just went on home since they were not that close together. Still kept contracting on and off until my next appointment on June 1st. We had discussed inducing at 39 weeks before and thought I would not still be pregnant by then. There I was at 38 weeks 4 days saying I want to be induced right at 39 weeks. I could not take anymore trips laboring to the hospital only to be sent home again. We asked everything we needed to about being induced. I had a favorable cervix and have had to be augmented with every pregnancy with pitocin, so we figured why not. We scheduled it for Sunday June 4, 2017 at 11am. I felt relieved to have a plan in motion, especially since my parents were planning to drive up to be with the kids.
The weekend came quickly and I was trying to finish up things around the house. Still continued contracting on and off, which made it difficult to be fully rested. My parents left Sunday morning to be here by the time we had to leave for the hospital, it is a 5 hour drive for them. We had the car packed up with all our bags and things we needed.
Once my parents got here we gave them the instructions for their allergy medications, how to turn on the TV, and money for some happy meals. Gave all the kids hugs and kisses we were off to have our 4th baby! Part 2 coming soon!!
One last belly bump shot! 39 weeks
Our family excited to meet baby #4!
Karissa helping me labor, but I had to rub her back, lol.
The kids sibling bags!
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