Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Karissa Kay's Birth Story Part 2

Here is Part 1, if you missed it.
*Disclaimer of bodily fluids to be mentioned, but could not be left out.

As we waited for the results of the amniotic fluid test, I prayed that it was because I knew it was time and did not want to go home again without a baby. Finally the midwife came in with a paper with my info and it said positive at the bottom. So because we were not 100% sure when my water broke, she decided to start an antibiotic to help in case of infections. Since it had at least been from Thursday morning at 1 am that I felt that pop, it had been 24 hours since then. It was 7 pm when we knew we were staying, I was also hoping I would not need pitocin.
My second oldest sister came and brought Lucas some food around 8:30 pm. She left but would be back since we wanted her to be there for the birth. We relaxed and watched T.V. for a few hours, it was nice to sit and talk with each other without interruptions. Then the midwife came in around 10:30 pm to explain they would start pitocin and she would come back to break the front bag of waters. So the nurse came in and started the pitocin at a 4 and would come in every 15 minutes to up the dose. Now began the more intense and difficult part of laboring. I really wish I could have not had pitocin just to see how different it is. When the nurse came to up the dose she would ask if I needed anything. So began the breathing, focusing, and praying. I was doing good, but getting so exhausted. At around 12:30 am the nurse came to check me and I was at a 4 cm dilated and 80% effaced, so it was time to break my bag of waters. Once they did I began to feel her move down. From this time until she was born, the contractions became unbearable and I felt pressure, so the nurse came to check on me again, I was barely at 5 cm!
I told Lucas I couldn't anymore and that I was so exhausted, all while beginning to cry. He is amazing, I love him so much!!! He gently reassured me I could do it, to breathe and try to focus on just that. I got courage for about two contractions and lost my will to keep going. My body was taking longer to dilate than with the boys. Also with them I felt empowered and with Karissa, I was emotionally drained. Then I tried to let each contraction bring her down, with her I could feel her slowly making her way into this world. All of a sudden I had the urge to use the bathroom, like I had to take a big crap!! The  nurse assistant came to let me up and hung around until I was done. It felt good to sit on the toilet! I began to cry and said, "I can't anymore, I am exhausted, I need something to help me rest." I Krystle Hibler was crying for pain relief and asap!!! Lucas calmly said, "It won't help you get energized and its probably almost time." I couldn't argue because just then I had a huge urge to push and I did, no not a baby, just crap. The nurse came in because I had the urge again and she said "Quickly get to the bed!" I began to shake and this happens right before they are born. I knew it was time and just wanted to be done. I was such a hot mess by this time and began to not breathe properly. Once on the bed my arms and legs felt tingly. So they gave me oxygen, oh how amazing it was!! Finally, I calmed down and prayed I could do it! The nurse checked me, no cervix left, baby's head, call midwife this little baby is coming.
Once everything was ready, they said to push on the next contraction. Oh, how much of a daze you are in at this point. I pushed once and took a break. Pushed again and gave up once I felt the burning ring!! I was overly exhausted, so I prayed for the last bit of strength I needed to birth this little (thank God she was little) baby and I could feel the power of the prayers. The final two pushes and she was here at 3:18 am on March 1, 2014. Our little baby girl was here!!!
Lucas was able to catch her and cut her cord, which was delayed a bit as the midwife pushed blood back to her from me. He placed her on my chest and never have I felt such relief to see a gooey, slimy, beautiful little baby. She was absolutely perfect and we both cried!! Lucas even cried, he never cried with the boys, but this tiny girl already has his heart. <3
We got to be together right away, she was breathing well and looked good. She nursed for an hour and a half. Even though premies have trouble latching, she knew exactly what to do! I bled a little but she was able to stop it and stitched me up. Asked for some food because lets face it birthing a baby leaves you famished!
She was 5 lbs. 3 oz. and 17" long. Her Apgar scores were good at 1 min. an 8 and at 5 min. a 9. No disabilities or health problems. Just perfect the way the Lord made her and we are blessed!!!! :) <3
Karissa Kay Hibler
This was before she nursed, see she was already sucking on her hand!! :)

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