Thursday, July 23, 2015

NFP for our marriage

NFP stands for natural family planning, we use Creighton Model FertilityCare System. Here is a list of different links to read more about it:

We have been using this NFP for 6 years, since we first got married. My mother and father in law used this system for about if not more than 28 years. So naturally we were interested in this one too! I never really understood my fertility or cycles before learning how NaPro works. I also never had really thought about contracepting in anyway. Once Lucas shared what he knew and how this system worked for his parents, I thought why not? We knew we wanted children and to follow God's plan for our marriage, so we began going to the classes. It was not offered in our marriage prep so we sought after a FertilityCare Practitioner and found one in El Paso at the time. She was great in helping us learn the system and also in our marriage prep. For us this was a big part of preparing for a sacramental marriage for the rest of our lives. It was not hard to learn for us because we were receptive to how it works and communicating about it. This is one way it has truly blessed our marriage and made our bond more united. We both have the knowledge about our fertility and it is very empowering.

We are able to pray and evaluate whether we are achieving or avoiding a pregnancy each month. Yes, we have to abstinen if we are avoiding a pregnancy but only on fertile days. This is always the first question, how can you hold off, not do it, or reject each other, however you want to look at it. It is not that difficult because it is part of our choice in how to use our fertility. There are other ways to show love and intimate affection for your spouse other than intercourse. We are sexual beings by nature but the beauty is knowing that our fertility is from God and He created it to be a life giving ability. One that is not to be misunderstood or abused. Now don't get me wrong that does not mean we only have intercourse to achieve a pregnancy, that would mean only once every two years! That is a bit crazy, even for us. What I mean is that we need to know and trust that God has made our fertility for procreating, but also for our marriage to be complete. It is never a matter of how much we "sacrifice" our sexual intimacy to avoid a pregnancy but how much we trust God to show us that our marital love transcends that "sacrifice" to ultimately glorify His love for us.

Another concern is how regular your cycles are or struggling with infertility, NaPro Technology is meant to help those things. I personally have a "regular" cycle and have not struggled with infertility. We are all different and that makes this system amazing to tailor it to your needs to find a successful way to help you. Just go check out the links above to read testimonies.

We have only good things to say about NFP and it truly works for our marriage. I am only here to share this because we have been richly blessed in our marriage using it and want to give a little of those blessings! :) <3

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Thrift shopping queen

I bear this title with honor, thrift shopping queen! It has not always been a proud title. I mean growing up we didn't often go to thrift stores but didn't always get new things either. Hand me downs were the thing for our family. I was never embarrassed about it or ashamed, so it was always exciting to get bags from our grama's church garage sales! We did get to buy new things for the beginning of the school year.
Now as I have my own children and we are trying to survive on one income (teachers don't make much), I have to be resourceful. I realized how crazy fast kids grow and how expensive clothes is even from Walmart. I discovered shopping at thrift stores to be able to keep up with the demand of three growing kids. You learn how to look and find treasures!
My advice is search for local thrift stores and support them. The next best thing is Savers, find one and check it out. My favorite place to shop! The only thing I do tend to buy new for the kids is underwear, socks, and shoes. I always find nice things, it just takes time and energy. I say time because you have to search high and low. And energy because even if it is missing a button or stained, I get it. I even purchased a huge maxi skirt for myself and resized it, even had enough to make a skirt for Karissa! 
Here is some pictures of how much I can get on a tight budget!
I spent $14 on all this:
for me; a pair of shoes, a dress, and two silk blouses
for hubby; a cardigan and short sleeve button up
for Lukrik; a pair of shorts, two polo shirts, and two short sleeve button ups
for Karissa; two pairs of shorts 
I spent $8 on all this:
for me; a dress
for hubby; a casual t-shirt
for Karissa; four dresses, two pairs of shorts, and four tops
I spent $16 on all this:
for Lukrik; a pair of shorts and short sleeve button up
for Karissa; one dress, two skirts, seven onesies, and a pink curtain

So as you can see thrift shopping works for us and I love it!!! :) <3